Lecture (Audio & Slides) – Positive Existential Coaching (Yannick Jacob, BSc Mentoring and Counselling, UEL, 2014)
Since 2012 I’ve been giving talks, workshops and lectures on various topics. Below’s a selection, though my YouTube channel is usually more up to date.
Lecture (Audio & Slides) – Positive Existential Coaching (Yannick Jacob, BSc Mentoring and Counselling, UEL, 2014)
Lecture (Video) – Mediation & Conflict Resolution (Yannick Jacob, UEL, 2014)
Presentation (Slides) – Mediation & Conflict Resolution (Yannick Jacob, UEL, 2014)
PPT Presentation – Positive Psychology, Coaching & Existentialism (Yannick Jacob, MA Existential Coaching, NSPC, 2013)
PPT Presentation – Positive Psychology at Schools (Yannick Jacob, Danish Institute of Study Abroad@LSE, 2012)
PPT Presentation – Existential Philosophy, Psychology, Psychotherapy & Coaching (Nash Popovic & Yannick Jacob – 2013)
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