- New weekly Nuggets! – ACTION REQUIRED if you want to get them
- The joy of being fully present – and how to make stress disappear, temporarily
- New content – Coaching Uncaged Season 13 out now!
Hey !
It’s time to finally kick off this exciting experiment that I’ve been teasing for some time now. (In case you missed it: shorter & more frequent Nuggets*).
See, back in 2018 these Nuggets started as short and tasty little bites, fresh from my mind to yours.
They mainly started that way because I couldn’t bring myself to write much at the time; I was inspired Tim Ferriss’ 5 Bullet Friday newsletter; and it seemed like a fun way to just share some cool stuff and stay in touch with you.
Over the years – and somewhat to my surprise – I started to really enjoy the writing part of it, and quite naturally the Nuggets evolved into a buffet of chunky burgers, instead of the original bite-sized bits and bobs.
But there’s a sad truth that took me a little while to accept:
Most people don’t really read a lot. That’s why I wanted to change up the format, so that you get something shorter, more easy to digest.
At the same time, I didn’t want to change what we’ve got going, because 50% of my subscribers open the Nuggets as they have been of late.
So here’s the solution we came up with – this is the action required part:
We’re starting a new series of Nuggets – MUCH shorter, more frequent (we’re aiming for one per week) and somewhat more specifically for coaches and those with an interest in psychological, philosophical, personal and professional growth & development.
To get them in your inbox, you’ll need to click this link to opt in.
Do nothing, and you’ll still receive the more-or-less monthly updates with your usual buffet of what I’ve been discovering; publishing; thinking about; or currently exploring. No change.
Or click the link and get thoughts, insights and tips, fresh from my mind, once a week (-ish), as life and work keep on teaching me.
With that said, here’s an example of what they might look like:
The joy of being fully present

Having our moving company cancel our job 2 weeks ahead of an international move added quite a bit of stress to our little family life these past few weeks.
But what I’ve noticed in the process, was how rarely I was thinking about my dauntingly large and urgent to-do list while I’m coaching clients or teaching groups. For the time being, I was free from worry and stress.
The secret?
Being fully present and completely focused on what’s in front of me.
It’s a skill I’ve honed over the years and now it seems to be a part of me. And while it’s a skill that takes time to develop, pretty much everybody can learn it.
New Content
Great news for all coaches and anybody interested in how to optimise teams:
The fantastic people at Animas Centre for Coaching made another season of their podcast “Coaching Uncaged” (which I proudly host) available and Season 13 kicks off with this exciting episode.
“The future of coaching is team coaching.” says Georgina Woudstra, author of “Mastering The Art of Team Coaching: A Comprehensive Guide to Unleashing the Power, Purpose and Potential in Any Team”
As always, if any of it resonates, make it swing! I’d love to hear from you 🙂
With Love
Want one of these Nuggets once a week (or so)?
Opt in at http://gocoachinglab.com/signup